Earlier, I set up my own GitHub page.
There is a helpful guide on the GitHub site itself. However, I thought I'd add a couple more points to it and explain my process a little.
Your own GitHub page is just a plain ol' repo, nothing special, it's just the name of it that matters. Make sure you create a new repo following the format of [GITHUB_USERNAME].github.com, so for me, my repo was "https://github.com/benhowdle89/benhowdle89.github.com". Now you can place an index.html file in the root with CSS & JS files as normal in there and GitHub will automatically push that repo to the "benhowdle89.github.com" URL.
With my GitHub page, I wanted to display all of my GitHub repos and a small bit of "me" information from GitHub. I also decided to use the excellent HandlebarsJS for the templating solution - makes sense as our GitHub repo markup was going to be repeated and exist as 'boilerplate' code in large.
Please feel free to Fork the repo and use it for your own page. To use the JavaScript for yourself, go to the bottom of 'app.js' and replace my username with yours, see below:
App.init('benhowdle89'); // change this for yours!
As far as CSS goes, feel free to customise it as much as you want for your own page.
It should be noted that the set of files in the repo will actually work on any site, so you could put it on your own site and it would be fine.
Any questions or feedback please leave a comment below or tweet me @benhowdle.